Magical Knacks
In case you want your wizards to start out a little weirder and magical without just giving them more
spells or magic items, here’s a table of random powers they could have picked up in their varied
mystical studies. Some are of dubious use, some of legitimate use, and some may never be used but
are good to have in a mage’s back pocket. As it stands this is a drop table where the player picks 3 from
the six random choices, but feel free to alter those numbers to suit, or whatever the player can twist
your arm into giving them. Enjoy :)
Magical Knacks Dice Drop Table
Roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, & 1d20. Then choose 3. Reroll redundant numbers on your choice of either die
Candle Page - Books and scrolls always seem illuminated to you and you can read one even in magical darkness
Speed Reading - You can read and comprehend books at a rate of 500 pages an hour
Beeracle - You can turn up to 4 gallons of water a day into ale
Door Slammer - Open or close nearby (unlocked and unstuck) doors or windows with a gesture
Internal Chronometer - You always know the exact time and date (of your home plane and era)
Quick Change - You can change the cut, color, and style of your clothing with a snap of your fingers, they revert to normal when removed.
Fire Starter - Light small flammable things (kindling, a torch, pipe weed) with a touch or puff of breath
Balancing Act: You are good at stacking and balancing things to unbelievable effect. Your playing card castles are legendary and if left undisturbed you could fill a whole room with precariously stacked objects
Long Term Storage - You can keep up to 500 pounds of various materials from rot or spoilage (including dead bodies)
Tome Tamer - Books will float in midair if you place them there. You can only ignore the book for ten minutes after placing it before it falls to the ground (or violently hurls itself at you depending on the book's disposition)
Call it in the Air - You can always correctly guess the outcome of a coin flip
Potion Sommelier - You can correctly identify the effects of any potion by sight or scent
Phantom Limbs - Your spirit is so fortified that missing extremities will never impede you in any way.
Pocket Familiar - You can transform one animal (usually a familiar) into a small wood or soapstone effigy of its full sized form. The animal must be at least indifferent to you.
Animal Understanding - You speak every animal language (though you have no particular influence on them)
Hat-Trick - You can designate one hat to function like a half capacity bag of holding. Changing items causes the previous one to expel all contents.
Alternate Form - Choose one small animal you can transform into this single form and back at will. (Example: raven, rat, cat, owl, small dog, squirrel, monkey) the transformation takes 30 seconds
Disappearing Act - You can become invisible, this effect only lasts as long as you remain still and hold your breath.
Dead Inside - Unintelligent undead (this can range from mindless to just stupid) generally regard you as one of their own and ignore you unless you purposefully get their attention
Immortal-ish - You’ve stopped aging. You can still get maimed or killed in all the standard ways but you will never die of old age.
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