Meet the Droogin

[Lecture Excerpt - Rituals of Historical Note - Professor Farkle Madraven - Spring 1663] Cloakhaven University Archives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ITEM 1: Reproduction of Solicitation Document “Greetings and Felicitations Fellow Magic Practitioner! We are sending you this note to introduce to you Droogin! The new labor alternative to expensive magical servants like golems or hard to control tribal creatures. Droogin are a most fantastic solution to the budget minded mage that doesn’t want to do all that tedious mucking about with dull witted necromantic thralls! Droogin are helpful creatures created via a (patent pending) secret mystical ritual we call “The Ritual of Droog'' and can be made to custom fit all your wretched servitor needs! Droogin are… Easy to Create! Inexpensive to Feed! Humble and Loyal! Useful and Long Lasting! Want to know more? Great! Simply place 50 silver coins in stacks of five atop the noted areas within the special communication...