
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Journal of Arcane Medicine: Beastwarping Hiccups

  I'm not a big fan "cure disease" magics. It takes something that should be inherently harrowing and dramatic with a built in ticking clock element and lot of chances for adventure and reduces it to a minor annoyance that players can just pay their way out of. (So I intend to take those spells out of my future games.)  Magical diseases in particular offer a lot of fun and interesting ways to challenge players.   This is the first entry in a series of magical diseases and their associated methods of treatment (and adventure hooks). Hope you can find a place for it in your games either in its current form, altered to suit your needs and methods, or simply as a seed for other fun ideas.  - Terance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prof. Helen Blute-Kanckl e (1314-1423) was the continent’s foremost authority on magical maladies and bizarre uncommon diseases. She spent her long li...

The Beautysmith

  My first real post! Here's an encounter I came up with that falls under what I think of as weird wanderers; creatures (hostile and non) that wander from world to world plying their various strange (and sometimes dangerous) trades. I didn't include much in the way of stats so feel free to interpret the power level of this and others of their ilk as you wish but it assumes you are using a d20-using fantasy rpg (OSR and others). Anyway enjoy my first entry, a whimsical but temperamental creature called The Beautysmith.     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Beautysmith - "Your Cosmic Cosmetologist, Darling!"   The strange creature you see before you looks like several wooden dressing dummies cobbled together in such a way that it has three torsos stacked on top one another making the six armed thing tower over most people around it. It is dressed in dandies finery of blue velvet, silk, a...

A Lame Opening

  Well here we are. My first post.  I'm Terance Crosby and I have been taking an increasing interest in OSR games and wanted a place to jot down my ideas and whatnot and this is basically where I'm gonna do it.  This is mostly me testing things out so don't expect much.